Arben Ahmetaj was stripped of his mandate as a legislator, deputet of the PS: The legal procedures were respected, the same as for everyone

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Former Deputy Prime Minister Arben Ahmetaj has been stripped of his mandate as a deputy of the Socialist Party in the Parliament of Albania, as he has been on the run for 6 months, not appearing in plenary sessions.

The Socialist MP, Blerina Gjylameti, said today on “Kjo Javë”, on News24, that the procedures for Ahmetaj were handled as in any other case.

“There were a number of procedural elements. The commission of mandates will meet and then it will go to the CEC, to see who will come to the Parliament. Respecting the legal procedures in the Parliament has served a lot to give a message that the procedures must be followed. Nothing was done differently, just the procedural part”, said Gjylameti.

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