Arian Çani: The Americans have met the new leader who will face Rama. That’s who he is

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Journalist Arian Çani has stated that the Americans have only met Prime Minister Edi Rama’s rivals, the leader of the “Albania Becomes” movement, Adriatik Lapaj.

Çani made his comments on the show “Now with Erla Mëhillin” on Euronews Albania, where he said that Lapaj is a rival who may not come to power in 2025 in Albania, but he can come in 2040.

He also said that Americans, unlike the time of former Prime Minister Berisha, now not only do not oppose the Albanian government, but also compliment it.

“These are all signs. Now Americans not only don’t say anything against the government like before, they compliment it. Many other things are not done without the permission of the Americans. You say they should have met a rival. They met him.

They met Adriatik Lapaj. Adriatik Lapaj writes on the forehead, “I will be prime minister of Albania to change the country”. Since you told me that you are not meeting a rival, a rival that cannot come in 2025, but may come in 2040. Why didn’t they meet Basha?

You agree with me now. Ore sir we take life as if it is until 2025. USA see who are the most charismatic people besides Rams? “Lapaj came after Rama in the Barometer survey for positive opinion”, said Çani.

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