“Babua, Bake xhani and Muçua” – Agron Gjekmarkaj’s satirical analysis: Chronicle on the Bermuda triangle! Lulu’s pride and secret signature with Damon

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Since then, the great vizier Tao had filled Baba’s mind that in these days Bake djani could come to work, the latter had lost his composure. Babua had shown great doubts about its usefulness.

He had not broken the heart of the staunch ones, convinced that justice would return as revenge on them. When they went to the presidency and told him that boss Babo needs you these days to step down as President and to be used a little as a provocateur against the opposition, he got chills. As soon as he received the news, Toruan lost.

He plopped down on the couch. Water water…. a guard’s voice was heard faintly. Immediately they brought him two corpses. A little is thrown to refresh it and a glass is drunk.

It was mentioned…but the words were gone…he focused his gaze on those around him. He asked them who I am? They are one voice, you are the Grandmother of the Republic, you are our Grandmother, the fat of the country. After a while it was mentioned. He gathered his subordinates and was crying. Otherwise we had agreed. I would stay in the office, in the villa, I would walk without talking but only smiling, I would travel, I would not appear in the media and no one would look like me except to the Romuzes that I was a waiter.

But now whoever wears the clothes of the Opposition will deal with me, not SPAKU, not the army’s properties, not the hospitals, not the salaries, not the banality that I enjoyed, as a well-known journalist says. Babo can also get bored with degdis. Again fell into the bracket. They covered him with a blanket. He slept so restlessly.

He got up and changed what they were carrying. Two guards held him by the arms and put him in the car to the Assembly. The hall hummed, we freedom fighters barricaded ourselves in front and whistled like whistles under the plantain.

When we see you! Our Muçua also appeared with a chair that he has been pulling behind him for twenty years. Desha took me and Gazi by the feet, who was surprised, turned back to Muço in a low voice, I was going to touch my ears.

He was pushing that piece of wood while panting. Sweat was dripping from him and with it a little dye in his hair. Grandfather had turned on the switch and was awake. As we found out later, he had reasons to feel proud, he had signed the electoral reform with Damon, so he deserved the caressing looks that Babua and Tao gave him, who could boast that Muçua is entering your work.

After receiving them (the glances), he sat there like a man who has earned his master’s trust.

He watched with great anticipation from Blerina, who told him not to give up, we all work for one goal, for Baba’s glory and power. Just like that he muttered. Nasip as a provocateur asked me what do you think about Niko? I tell him that he is high, he has character, especially with friends who fall into misfortune. Don’t let Babua take it away and take Muço to the cabinet.

No, no, I’m sure, I’m afraid that she will take Bores’ place and she will disappear from the chronicle. Hall because my brother beat my arms. Laertes was also touched. The perspective-seeking leader Gazi and the Prime Minister Muli with the power of morale dominated that whole building. I shyly approached. Luan Baçi chased me. The smell of freedom is intoxicating you too, he told me.

I felt like Vlaši at the “Forest of Freedom” when Kovi spoke to him for the first time about communism, the movement and the party. Salianji found me as if I were a big fan. Although he was happy, he did not hide his surprise and addressed me with solemnity, “congratulations, you are shaking the tyranny of the car”. I took a deep breath, as if I stretched a little more.

The news spread to Lindita that Bakja is lying on the sofa and neither takes nor gives. Costa served her and Gramozi paracetamol and chamomile while giving them the words, “you’ll get through this too, we won’t call you anymore”. Bakja didn’t just speak renton. Jona could be heard in the corridor sighing “cuckoo, cuckoo”. My brave adviser Dori, who catches the rabbit with a cart and keeps it well with everyone, did not appear.

Genc Gjonçaj was preparing a stall with some slats in the back in case of need. Gazi was shouting “shame, shame, shame”, Muli was shouting “thief, thief”. Babua between Bela and Elise was marbled. I will not forgive the hesitation of Bakes, who did not enter as a brave person, to be victimized until the end.

Bela told him “to go and bring the kaliboç”. He shook his head in disgust. Elisa was cursing herself for the light she had wrapped around her on this day when evil surrounded us like the Turks in Kruje. Finally Babo gave Bake permission to leave. They were used to looking up at poor Margarita, now we have to get used to Gonxhe’s bumpy head.

May Allah have mercy. Christ help us. Jorushi i Tabakeve was dressed in pure black. She doesn’t cry anymore. His eye has become a pine tree. When they ask me where is Jorushi, whom you protected like a lion.?! I told them where he is in the fire of battle, he is fighting and enlightening us. The only one laughing was Shalsi. Lucky him. Tritani took care to ask him if he drank the medicine.

Etilda came and went like a shadow from a corner of the Bermuda Triangle at the tip of the pupal fingers. Ermua looked as if she had banished the devil from herself and was peaceful. The new year had beckoned to Jinder. Mimi di Puccini was saying to Majko who was shaking his head rhythmically “life is all a metaphor brother”.

Etienne loved it. He rubbed his hands when he found out that Klos was going to make dinner for his birthday and the meatballs would fall on them like a relieved bell. Ogi, who has been leaving the beauty of elegance for some time, when he found out that they were going to eat meat, he hung his lips but gave himself up. The session was closed. Prime Minister Lideri Muli for the first time spoke instead of the Doctor. Then the Leader who seeks the Jewish perspective of the promised land as well. Likewise, Muco Juda was babbling. The trinity was fulfilled. Father, son and holy spirit.

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