Basha did not join the invitation, Meta for the agreement establishing the Opposition Federation: I have not seen who signed it, but…

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The head of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta, has commented on the rejection of the invitation by the head of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, to join the agreement to create the Opposition Federation.

Meta, in a press conference, said that he has not seen who signed the document.

“The document was proposed to me by the DP, it is very principled and in accordance with the goals of the Freedom Party.

I have not seen who signed the document, but I signed as I would do for everything that would return the country to the constitutional tracks and to have a functional democracy”, said Meta.

Asked if Basha should be part of the Federation, Meta said: “I am not here to exclude anyone who has the will and desire, as well as is free to stand against the narco-state. Anyone willing to confront the regime is welcome at the table. You should ask the initiators of that table, I was not the initiator.”


The head of PL was asked during the conference if his name is on the table of the opposition as a candidate to govern the country.

Meta stated that his abilities as prime minister have been proven in two years, adding that Albania’s indicators have been the best in terms of economic growth, but emphasized that “we are not about to announce such challenges”.

“My name will lead the PL, which will be one of the 3 main political forces in the future and the main factor and catalyst for change in the country, PL and I have made it clear that we prefer a candidacy that is as inclusive as possible.

As for my abilities as prime minister, they have been proven in two years, Albania’s indicators have been the best in terms of economic growth and they have been the best in terms of European integration rates. We are not about to announce such challenges”, said Meta.

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