The “Xibraka” file/Gazment Bardhi just a few minutes in SPAK: I was in the capacity of a person who has knowledge! I was asked just one question…

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The chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the PD of Reestablishment, Gazment Bardhi, stayed only a few minutes in SPAK. In a statement to journalists, he said that he was a person who knows about the case, while he said that they only asked him one question, whether or not the report is true.

According to Gazment Bardhi, the investigations on this file have been restarted after he submitted the information to SPAK, where he claims that it is suspected that the prime minister’s brother is also involved in this case.

“Today I reconfirmed the information with SPAK and the questioning session had only one question if I had anything to add. I was in the capacity of the person who has knowledge of the matter. The prosecution is the prosecution of Hanover”, Bardhi said, among other things.

Bardhi: As you are aware, on March 29, after a public denunciation that I did everything, I denounced the suspected involvement of the prime minister’s brother in the Xibraka affair, I submitted it to SPAK

I was informed by the leader as SPAK but also by the BKH investigators after submitting the information from my side, the file of Xibraka has been reopened, the investigation has been restarted to identify the persons who were described as unidentified persons in the file.

Today I reconfirmed the information with SPAK and the questioning session had only one question if I had anything to add. I was in the capacity of the person who has knowledge of the matter. The predicate is the Hanover prosecutor’s office.

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