“The director’s two long and thin saddles came so close to me that…”/Alda Butka denounces Gjergj Zaharina for sexual harassment?

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Alda Butka Aliçka, a lawyer by profession and the granddaughter of the well-known historian and ex-MP Uran Butka, has denounced Gjergj Zaharina, Elias’ father, who recently became a “headline” in the media due to the physical collision he had with her, for sexual harassment. Prince Lekan.

She says that he had asked her to take her to the Educational Directorate and on the way by car, Gjergj Zaharia had put his legs very close to her body, or as she calls “the director’s two long and thin saddles”. Then, according to her, he invited her for coffee, where Gjergj Zaharia harassed her by touching her with his feet.

Alda Butka Aliçka says that this sexual harassment against her happened when she was 35 years old and had just been divorced. She does not mention Gjergj Zaharina by name, but from the text “This director, old now, but who certainly had his eye on that Palace of Pioneers or the Royal Palace, since when he entered the Educational Directorate as if it were his home, now he lives right there and hunts him with statues”, he openly hints that it is about him.

The note authored by Alda Butka Aliçka was published in the group on social networks entitled “Royals” where Ms. Butka is a member and supports the “royal family”


When my daughter was in high school, I went to a meeting with her parents one day. I was going out happy.

As soon as I opened the car door, the school principal approached me:

– Do you know me a little at the Educational Directorate?
– Posi no! – I showed them willingly.

On the road, the director’s two long and thin saddles came so close to me that I could barely control the gas and brakes.

When he opened the door to get out, I breathed a sigh of relief.

I was not told to deal only with joy, which had brought me the good results and the behavior of my daughter!

– Wait for me – said the director – I only have five minutes to work and I came.

It really came out after five minutes. The Educational Directorate at that time was at the Royal Palace, but we continued to call it the Pioneer Palace.

– Let’s have a coffee here, because I haven’t had a drink all day?! – said the headmaster.

– Ok – you said just to be polite.

I sat down at the Palace of Culture, outside. That bar had several circular cement platforms, raised twenty centimeters from the ground, on which chairs and small tables were placed.

As soon as the order came, I tried to put the cup on my lips, “faaap” the long saddle of the director, with a knee.

I pushed myself with all my strength. Meanwhile, the director praised my grandfather, uncles, cousins, my brother.

Since we were “yours”, each praise was accompanied by a leg extended towards my thighs. He reached out and came closer, I pushed with all the chair. When all the wonderful men of my tribe had finished, I turned my head back and saw that the two back legs of the chair had come out of the platform. God forbid I didn’t crack my brain on the concrete!

So that you wouldn’t say “You loved yourself”, since I was only 35 years old, since I had just been divorced and since all the famous men of my tribe could benefit from gossip, I didn’t report it.

This director, old now, but surely, had his eye on that Palace of Pioneers or the Royal Palace, that when he entered the Educational Directorate as if it were his home, now he lives exactly there and shoots it with statues!

Well, I saved a bit then.

Think under what pressure he could put a teenager, his student, when even today, I don’t remember the evil of those actions…

Without you left, say, say “You want my own chick!”, because I’m not ready for a fight today!!!/ Source: tpz.al

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