The police officer shows how the settlement of fines for pedestrians will work

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Invited today to the show “Aldo Morning Show” on TV Klan was the traffic police officer, Anxhelina Bregu, who showed more details about the fines for pedestrians.

Bregu explained that after pedestrians are fined, their identity card is taken until the fine is paid. Then, the pedestrian returns with the payment mandate to the police officer, to get back the identity card.

Regarding the collection of this measure, I have said it many times, we refer to article 205, where we are given the right to keep 1/3 of the vehicle’s documentation. At the same time, we cannot keep the documentation because he is a pedestrian, but we take his ID card until the fine is paid. Because you have no other way to leave the measure, you have no way to collect it. It is not the driver, that this measure is transferred to the vehicle card. He simply takes the copy of the measure that belongs to him and goes with it to make the payment. Then, he returns to the police officer to give him the payment mandate.

Bregu said that this measure does not remain in the history of the citizen, but if it is repeated as an action, they will receive a fine again.

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