Flutura Açka: If the “stamp” is the clearing house to sell the voting rights of the Diaspora, the Opposition should never come to power

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The deputy, Flutura Açke, has reacted regarding the vote of the diaspora. In a post on Facebook, Açka writes that one of the points of the agreement of the parliamentary committee is that immigrants register on the E-Albania portal. According to her, this portal is the new Security apparatus that the government set up.

Açka also says that the Albanian opposition should NOT allow the Diaspora to be punished with the denial of the vote in the 2025 parliamentary elections because it has not been registered with the power registry.

The deputy further says that if the “stamp” is the clearing house to sell the voting rights of the Diaspora, the Opposition should never come to power.

Full reaction of Flutura Açka

Punishment of the Diaspora

Albanian does not make you a sergeant in E-Albania

One of the points of agreement of the Parliamentary Assembly is undoubtedly the vote of the Diaspora.

The question is: How will the Diaspora vote?

How will this 51% of Albanians express their political will, who want a European Albania, just like the Europe where they have decided to build their lives, to escape this Albania where they were persecuted for 50 years by the communists and 30 years by the barbaric Pseudo-Europeanists who took them with their comfort and their children.

Socialists will not forgive the Diaspora for ignoring E-Albania, the new Security apparatus that the government set up in the most perfidious way possible, which is already proven by the patronage of 900,000 Albanians, whose data was sold in the dirty political market.

Yes, skeptical of the Pseudo-Euroians who have ruled Albania in thirty years of democracy, the Diaspora has refused to be enrolled by dictators with panties and a heart of a three-ventricle tahma.

The Albanian opposition should NOT allow the Diaspora to be punished with the denial of the vote in the 2025 parliamentary elections because it has not been registered with the government, that is, it has not been branded by the government.

The patronage fever of the Diaspora is the new government trend that will be imposed on the Parliament in July. Will we behave in the Opposition as with the Criminal Amnesty law? Approach!

If the “stamp” is the clearing house to sell the voting rights of the Diaspora, may the Opposition never come to power.

The opposition comes to power only by joining forces, and a great synergy is undoubtedly the Diaspora.

Do not betray the Diaspora with decisions under the table, as this political trafficker of votes who speaks in the name of the majority is saying, and for votes in Elbasan he is cutting the tops of the ancient olive groves, giving them (he and his power) the strong ones. .

The diaspora is not 15,000 or 18,000 registered, but a full 1 and a half million Albanians who are part of the Albanian destinies and must mark them in the parliamentary elections of 2025.

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