The irony of Gjekmarkaj in the Assembly: The word is cut like a meatball, the promise comes out like a pancake, the lie flows like…

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The deputy of the Democratic Party, Agron Gjekmarkaj, spoke during yesterday’s plenary session while the agreement on the College of Europe was being discussed.

Gjekmarkaj said that such an agreement does not necessarily mean that Albania is closer to Europe, stressing that the government’s policies are far from what a European country should have.

Gjekmarkaj’s full speech:

The European College and the non-identity of the Albanian Government!

The College of Europe in Tirana is a good thing, although something symbolic, encouraging and without political power pulling behind. College is an island, fortunately it does everything on its own.

Europe is far away again, farther than the bridge of the Kaaba.

Its integrative magnet does not attract the Albanian Government, the wall of corruption hinders the waves, the feats like rifles amaze Brussels to the extent of surprise which turns into rejection.

To the extent that the Albanians have conquered Europe, they have done so only through the liberalization of visas carried out by the DP government, the rest is political folklore.

Even then, my system was built so violently in the service of organized crime in the last few years when the “chuns” took over the country by making a mess, opening the door to the decade of stunts and fun.

Eh…. The “chuns”, until now, have been content only with elections, economic policies, strategic investments and security ones, God willing, don’t let them take the pleasure and make us cultural and educational ones as well.

Good thing the school, bad thing is the enormous pyramid of propaganda that is covering it.
An endless burden of months with a jumble of random words, with a sense of joy that begins and ends with propaganda hangs over us like a cloud that brings no rain.

The essence of aggit-prop propaganda for those who have forgotten is the transformation of truth, stimulating joy or bitterness beneficial to one side by offering society a simplified reality without question, conceived on two systems where the good resides in one. , the right, the beautiful, in the other the bad, wrong, ugly.

In between there is surprise and fear, then there is a divine intervention, a great event from which salvation comes and the society breathes freed, calling out to Caesar.

As soon as the citizen lowers his fear, he becomes a judge of theft and thieves, of usurpation and usurpers, but then the danger that only Skanderbeu stops is wavering before his eyes.

In the discourse of the Renaissance, the limited but well-assimilated and rapidly used vocabulary dominates, the word is chopped like a meatball, the promise comes out like a pancake, the lie pours like a stream, the message is endlessly repeated.

The two oxen that pull the sentences are pride and dignity, leaving the field of judgment to clear it of any form of doubt.

Entering the carriage sit the ministers and the mayors who explain to the Prime Minister according to the occasion, happy or thoughtful, with the rush of work and love for modesty the very success under his leadership. He frowns and shakes his head creating suspense.

Do you remember the 11 thousand kilometers of roads built in the period 2005-2013, in few of them, in these years, a line is made, a neon sign is put, and they are presented more important than the road itself. It is not important to travel, but to do it in aesthetic conditions. Taste prevails over fact.

The great discoveries that take your breath away are lubricants, the ones as shocking as Nafta e Spiragu where the tolons will fall like snowflakes and enter our pockets by themselves!
The new relationship with History and the City is impressive.

Let’s illustrate it! A little patience, dear colleagues and rija Chairman, if you lend me one more minute.

Lady Spiropali, the most prominent of the renaissance discourse, appears for a long time as the Lady of Shkodra (Madonna di Scutari as the Venetians called her) for those who know, it is about the patron saint who fled to Italy from heaven when the city was conquered by the Turks.

For example In her words, in her reverent exclamations with Kolikian choruses, the minister seems as if she has built the fortress of Shkodra, almost filling our minds that she herself is Rozafa!

After a short rest from fatigue, he eroded the land and gave way to two rivers, Drini and Buna, and a large pit which he filled with water and called it the lake, then he built the Great Church and the Lead Mosque, the gangs music halls and theaters, libraries and photo galleries, the Market and the Great Cafe, the City Hall and Bahçe Milet. Teuta, Barleti, Idromeno, Dede Gjo Luli, Fishta, Migjeni, Preng Jakova, who can do the opera “Elisa”, and many others, admired him for his works.

So he created Shkodra, and together with the Prime Minister, the artist walks the streets and tells the people of Shkodra, you see more harama, what kind of city have we made you? We are surprised and say, see see Shkodra, wow!

The other ministers become jealous and the order takes the attributes of nature and history.

Ulsiu contributed to the Illyrian walls of Lezhe by bringing water with a mule to the bricklayers of Dibra.

Tao dried the fields of Myzeqe, burned the forests of Fier and formed the first cooperative in Krutje. Damua wrote the alphabet of Dhaskal Todri and built the normal school of Elbasan. Latje landirektje instead of Gurakuqi.

Çuçi fought on behalf of the Muzakai, painted Magalem and the Osum River together with the famous Berat Castle. Tony did not engage in manual labor, he put the word of God on paper in the pupurt codices.

Majko has led the 1st attacking Division to pass Shkumbin and destroy the reaction in the north. He fought in Kukes as Shefqet Peçi.

Klos given to fish has plastered the Cannery factory in Vlora and the Bitumen mine in Selenic.

Another one, like God dropped the orb on Gjirokastre and placed it, even the works of Kadare and Çabe.

While Edi Rama fought battles with the Romans, the Turks, defended Kruja, fought with Rrapo Hekal, smoked with Oso Kuke, was with the Tanzimat and the Xhonturks, proclaimed independence, devised the Congress of Lushnja, was Archbishop, Krye Dhespot, KRYEMYFTI, KRYEGJYSH, FATHER AND GRANDFATHER.

In the battle of Tende s quyp, he defeated the invaders, in that of Mezghoran, he sounded the trumpet wounded. Sazeve has pushed you in the agrarian reform, an ideologue of the democratic revolution and now the Prime Minister, as the last sacrifice!

Someone who listens to my speech says that the congratulatory fiqir has played, diverts attention from the incerators, sterilization, timsi, the interpellations denied by the Prime Minister, the motion with debate as well, from the fall of the Constitutional Court as well, from the barber directors who shave and shave , from the 5Ds who were arrested after they stole, from the other one who steals the private data of Albanians, from segments of the justice system that hold and take hostage the Opposition and its Leader, the former by blurring the symbols, the latter by taking away their freedom without accusation and investigation on behalf of Edi Rames, suspending pluralism and rigging the race.

This does not happen in Europe, it is not taught in any of its colleges.

What I said above, not playing too much with fantasy, are the measures, the standard that this government has with the truth and its manipulation. That’s it, the dark force to play more by preventing the consolidation of the European identity of the Albanians and confirming the behavior, the identity of the trick against the not at all European rule of a government that steals Albania to steal votes according to the renaissance style.

A European outrage makes her school in Tirana more useful than the panegyrics served for her.

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