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By Armir Shkurti
Somewhere they were killed for the deckchairs, somewhere the deckchairs were set on fire, somewhere the hotel owner threw herself at the customers like Mihali to prevent them from leaving early, somewhere the 600 Lek buffet…


“3 months of gango – 9 months of lango” – circulated during communism as a designation for coastal residents. This curse is continuing even in neo-communism. The period May – September is when the money is made for the whole year. Then the hotels are locked, while in the restaurants you can find owners who bake fish and cook their own pasta.

In 5 months of need, the one who has built hotels, rooms, restaurants, etc. must make bread for TWELVE MONTHS! Children’s schools, bills (from electricity and water to national and local taxes), maintenance of the facility that is damaged both by the salt and humidity of the sea and by the vacationers. Also sheets, towels, mattresses. Permanent and seasonal workers must be paid… with what?

With the money collected from May to September!! With only 5 months of attack!

Years of tourism, with panties around the legs, survived with Albanian customers. The hope was great that this year it would open earlier and work as before even with foreigners. After all THEY save him. Catering agencies, transport, hotels, restaurants, deeeeri souvenirs to sunbeds, umbrellas, boats and pleasure boats.

This week, June comes out and there is no eye for qabe! Many of those who invest their lives have one thing on the coast, until the pandemic, even e-Rama doesn’t let them feel comfortable! “Projects”, “systems”, expropriations… Some have already been left without panties and also without hope. Where to drown in a closed world, with the rules of war, of the pandemic? Others must scramble for the bone!! To take from the other or tear the other who will take from them.

There are also brain patients who do not value their lives or the lives of others. But it is the stress and the fear of hunger that ignites their jinns.

So, when you, good man, are leaving this year for vacation on the Albanian coast, learn that for them you are FOOD. Just like in the movie “Gold Rush” Chaplin looked like a chicken to the other starving explorer!!

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