‘We are stuck in the bread hoe’, actor Mehdi Malkja breaks down in tears under the balcony of Berisha

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Actor Mehdi Malkja, in his speech to supporters of former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, called for participation in the February 20 protest.

“Doctor, for my part, we have an expression: You don’t cut a maple tree because the leaves fall off.

Now that he is coming, two people were having a dialogue and one said, I am not warmed by this union. You told him why the separation warms you?

People unite with hearts not words.

I love my country. It is said that this country cannot be built, the country is built, we are destroying it.

We are at the bread hoe, we are stuck here. We don’t say we’re going to have lunch, but we’re going to eat bread.

Protest that you don’t die!”, he concluded.

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