Jorida Tabaku shows the two women she values ​​the most in politics: From the right, Majlinda Bregu, and from the left…

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“I like Majlinda Bregu from the right, and Eglantina Gjermeni from the left for her calmness”, said the deputy of the Democratic Party, Jorida Tabaku, who was invited to “Peter Pan’s Trap” on TV Klan yesterday evening.

Kian: Jorida, what is politics?

Jorida Tabaku: We discuss how to make schools better, how to make parks to play, to have better opportunities.

Kian: Who makes you laugh the most? And do you turn your head or do your homework?

Jorida Tabaku: I don’t turn my head. I only focus on tasks and things I want to do.

Kian: And who is your close friend in politics?

Jorida Tabaku: I talk and cooperate with everyone, but my friends are outside of politics. I like Majlinda Bregu from the right, and Eglantina Gjermeni from the left for her calmness.

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