Has he asked for 600 thousand euros for the moderation of Big Brother Vip 3? Arbana Osmani breaks the silence, tells why she did not present the show

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Moderator Arbana Osmani, who has recently been separated from television, rarely gave an interview, dispelling the questions that followers have about her, especially about the management of Big Brother Vip 3.

For the latter, Arbana Osmani said that the time had come for her to take a break and spend more time with her family and devote herself to her businesses.

“Constantly when I know that things between me and my close people, for certain topics, are quite clear, I don’t feel it necessary to give public explanations, in all spheres. So I didn’t feel that in the final of Big Brother I had to say: Look, this is my last edition. That I am one of the links of the program. People will follow the program with or without me, what does it matter if I am or not.

I do not feel that I should give all these credits to myself to glorify this character of mine and my position. Look, I’m leaving and I’m leaving you… I said, when Big Brother starts, I’ll wish from the bottom of my heart to those who will continue the program, and I thought that was enough,” she said in an interview for Mira Kazhani’s podcast. ‘Voice with Mira’.

Arbana answered the question of whether he requested 600,000 euros for “Big Brother Albania”, saying the following:

“If I had placed money as a deciding factor in my important decisions, I would have been either very, very rich or very, very poor. Money is never in my heart. My work is done with a lot of heart. In every aspect.

Be it in business, be it on television, be it in any space. Money is never what drives a decision. They are very important and I think that each of us should definitely ask for money if we think it is worth it, but never with it being decisive for a certain election”, said the moderator.

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