The Investigative Committee of Health, Vokshi accuses the PS: On the order of Rama, they try to cover up rampant corruption

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The chairwoman of the commission for the investigation of concessions in Health, Albana Vokshi, accuses the deputies of the Socialist Party of trying to prevent the disclosure of the violations behind this concession by blocking requests for information.

Today, one month since the SP, on the order of Rama, to not be transparent and to cover up the rampant corruption in health, have decided to block requests for information. One month they refuse to pass the requests to the commission. DP experts Franci Nuri and Meri Likaj have agreed on the largest number of documents, only for 3 documents the DP experts asked to remove the words “major corruption” and refused to give the names of the persons who performed the Check-Up. Here is the biggest violation” – Vokshi said today in a statement to the media from the seat of the Presidency of the Assembly.

Among other things, he asked the Speaker of the Assembly to take measures against the socialist legislator Petro Koçi, while he accused the socialists of intimidating the experts.

Plarent Ndreca insulted, threatened and intimidated experts. Petro Koçi committed unacceptable actions against Zheni Gjergji. He used blackmailing and intimidating language towards this honorable lady. I call on the Speaker of the Assembly to take measures against Koç for the insults he made yesterday against Zheni Gjergji” – said Vokshi.

Yesterday’s meeting, which lasted for two hours, produced nothing. The parties accused each other of delaying the work as they postponed until Thursday the approval of the investigation plan.

Report tv and have provided the investigative plan of the Socialist Party for the Investigative Commission of Health for the concessions for Sterilization and Check Up, which will be agreed with the one proposed earlier by the opposition. The SP has proposed that the investigations extend since 2009. According to the SP, the Ministers of Health should also be questioned since December 2006, when Sali Berisha was in power.

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