Against the merger of the Bardhi-Berisha group/ “Let’s not tear up the party under the name ‘Opening'”. Here is Murriz’s proposal

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The former deputy of the Democratic Party, Myslim Murrizi, has made a strong reaction on social networks regarding the National Council of “Reestablishment”, which meets today.

Murrizi has announced that he will not be at the meeting. He addresses the former prime minister, Sali Berisha, the members of the Council and the democrats, stating that the Re-establishment cannot be turned upside down just to satisfy ten people.

He proposes to convene an extraordinary national assembly to cancel some of the decisions of the national assembly of December 11, 2021 and to re-elect a new National Council.

Recalling the clashes between the supporters of Sali Berisha and those of Lulzim Basha, Murrizi said that “whoever forgets quickly, makes mistakes often and gets very disappointed”.

Myslim Murriz’s reaction:

For personal reasons, I will not be at the meeting of the National Council today, but as the leading “elite” or dome that has taken the reins of the Re-establishment say, I cannot sit without talking or without disturbing them in their comfort, so I am addressing you publicly even though I know you don’t like it.

So that the Pulpit does not turn into a Shrine, Re-establishment into a Return, Conservatism, into a broken Can, Voting into Appointment and the Party into a group of people who put each other in, I am addressing you publicly to anyone who wants and knows how to read without tricks and without bullshit reminding you of this shameful death in the 34-year history of DP

Dear Doctor Berisha
Dear members of the national council
Dear DEMOCRATS, wherever you are, but especially you, the delegate of the National Assembly on December 11, 2021 and April 30, 2022

I am addressing you publicly with some questions that essentially have double-standard behavior outside of the statute for a narrow group of people who, for the sake of dirty deals, are catapulted outside of any moral norms articulated in every meeting since September 9, 2021, when all of these in the block they excluded Berisha and the deputies who supported Berisha at the beginning of FOLTOREA
I am addressing you, Doctor, because it is useless to ask Flamur, Ed, Oerti, Luciano, Albana or any of the 25 members of the presidency or the 12 secretaries elected by vote of the national council, as I know very well that almost all of them will shrug their shoulders and they will point their finger from your balcony
The opening of the party is a necessity, but tearing it apart under the name of opening is fatal
I agree that the pulpit should be a shrine for anyone who wants to contribute as an opposition but without violating any line of the statute and without making the statute ridiculous or worthless paper as many times as we need to pamper someone
I agree that the Reestablishment is also called the Return, but not to reverse everything done for the sake of the pleasure of 10 people, because the Party is much bigger than that and the membership is much more valuable than any of us.
I agree that we can change the program and the ideological axis of the party and from the conservatives that were said we can stay in the center and right, but not from the conservatives to turn it into a conservative party
I agree that the factions should have their representatives in every governing body, but not the factions should be left with the majority and the majority should be a faction.

All that I said above must be resolved within an accepted morality, otherwise the morality we give for ourselves and for every opposition party is marked amorality and fear or deviance from fear or interest from any principle that has been articulated since September 9, 2021 or we show absence character in everything we say, making zero trust to stand by the principles, morals, character, dignity and finally the statute
With the full conviction that this writing will annoy the “forgiven” and the “returned” and more than this, the miserable servants, the poor, the caterpillars and the “slaves” who never think but applaud everything the leader says, to be loved when the leader loves you, to hate and insult you when the leader doesn’t love you, he doesn’t even feel for me as he hasn’t felt for me in these 34 years, because I never “bargain” with my FREEDOM for the sake of every stinking chair wherever she may be, when the chair smells of stench

Dear Doctor Berisha
First, an extraordinary national assembly must be convened to cancel some decisions of the national assembly dated December 11, 2021, because all of these are excluded
Second, in this assembly, let a new national council be re-elected because over 30% of those elected on April 30, 2022 are neither physically nor politically active and functional.
According to the statute, all female deputies are automatically members of the national council, but after their exclusion is canceled

The new national council then chooses the new presidency and the secretariats, and in this race let whoever wants to run, but whoever seeks and aspires for a position, must come only through the vote, otherwise we make fun of ourselves and every democrat. opposition wherever it is
As for the number of vice presidents, members of the presidency, secretaries, it doesn’t matter if there will be 4-6-10 or 25, but each one must be elected by vote

We are violating the statute or we changed it for everyone who is angry, then all those who feel humiliated, used, betrayed or betrayed by what has served as a cause in this period as of September 9, 2021 will be angry.
My sincerity does no harm to anyone and unfortunately time has shown that I was right in every reaction, attitude or opinion I expressed both within the structures and publicly, even though the seasonal political parties have labeled me with the wickedness of their slanderous language that knows no limits of what and how many licks

Why did Flamuri, Edi, Oerti, Luciano and the other 20 members of the presidency accept the race and the vote of the national council, while Gazi, Agroni or Jorida and others should be “promoted” without a vote????
What is the difference between them and what do the second group have more or more important than the first?????

If this is done, then who is the moral they follow for others? Or who insults more, who deceives more, who beats or throws tear gas at the democrats and who manipulates more for the interests of his mind, is respected, valued, promoted and promoted without competition????
Although I very much doubt this “approach” that lacks sincerity, this mechanical and fake union that behind this movement has other goals, again I would accept it with great effort if everything comes from the race and from the vote, otherwise we become worse than smoking and worse than rebirth

I may be wrong, but June is near and the “dream” of every cheater will come out, although for their category they lick whatever they have on their scales without any problem, nothing is taboo.
I have returned to the national council with the votes of the delegates of the national assembly on April 30, 2022, after this assembly approved the resolution that recognized as a fatal mistake the burning of mandates and the pardon of 60 Rames municipalities, but I would never accept without a vote of the delegates and without apologized for the collective deviation of February 2019

I have returned to contribute to the opposition for a center-right political force, which is based on the VOTE in every race and which does not bargain with the morality of what has been said publicly and is sanctioned in the statute

Dear Doctor Berisha

I wish and hope that you will spend 10 minutes of time to read it without any “hostile” doubts, without any negative charge and not as an sms of a gossiper who wants to be seen as a man who loves you, but as words from the heart of a man who has contributed to this political force since December 8, and who in 34 years of pluralism has been in power for only 5 years, 1992-1997, and for 27 years has been an oppositionist with full desire and conscience to defend his convictions as a CITIZEN FREE who does not have the honor to change EVER for anyone and anything and who maintains an unwavering stance with the moral principles of character, dignity and free spirit
Dear Members of the National Council
Silence kills more than words, hypocrisy and hypocritical conformity hurts more than any truth

however bitter it may be
Therefore, do not be silent and do not raise your hands and applaud for any destruction of what has been achieved thanks to your persistence and sacrifice and that of every DEMOCRATIC in these 11 difficult and difficult years of the opposition of dirty deals for the narrow interests of hidden individuals who they have no moral boundaries and backbone

I appeal to those members of the national council who know well what it means to violate the vote and to have double standards.

This long public letter is not for those who are servile to Berisha and who tell each other around the table how to join because then they will get a doctorate, nor for those who see Gas as God and savior and who tell each other that Gazi is very good and how to put his foot in it, but look when he put it to Berisha, they take away Berisha’s mandate
I don’t write and I never speak for those who have in mind the introduction and as cleverness they call infidelity, because I know very well that if we radiate this morality and appear in front of the Albanians as if we are doing great politics by introducing each other at different times, Don’t worry, the Albanians will enter us as far as the arm in 2025 again and I am not “brave” and “courageous” to be flattered or take it as “respect” to enter

I would ask very friendly that every oppositionist, democrat member or elected in the leadership forums read it with his eyes and mind, not as a vassal or slave of other people’s thoughts and you will prove me right very quickly, because today I know that you will insult me as you have done several times, but I have understood you well because I have no intention of ever changing

Only when I see these images, I feel sorry for where the servile opposition has been led to, who are ready to do any masquerade for their empty seat.

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