Lapaj from Delvina: Economy taken hostage by 10 people, let’s destroy the system

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On Sunday, the leader of the “Albania Becomes” movement, Adriatik Lapaj, held a meeting with sympathizers in Delvina.

During his speech at the meeting, Lapaj said that people should unite and become aware, to make it possible to change the country together.

Lapaj also said that citizens do not have to be afraid, as according to him, everything has been taken away from them, starting with the removal of children from their homes, to their dreams.

Lapaj also said that if the citizens have to solve the country’s problems, they should first expand the country’s economy, which, according to him, has been taken hostage by 10 people.

“This is a difficult path, but it must be done. Why should a Delvinio fear that they have taken away everything, they have taken away their hope, they have taken away their child from their home, they have killed their dream that life here does not continue, what should a young person be afraid of in this country that dreams his biggest, is to run away from Albania.

The peoples and the Albanians did not run away from the war, but they are being forced to run away from this great calamity. I am not here to curse anyone, I am not here to insult anyone, I have never done it and I will not do it, because I strongly believe that people should be aware, they should unite and change the country together, not through evil but through good.

We did not go out to look for positions, none of them asked for support to make him a deputy or minister. We have come up with a clear platform of ideas to demand the change of Albania. What we are doing is difficult, but it is right, because their time has run out and we will not get tired.

If we want to solve the problem of this country, we have to solve the economy of this country. And in order to solve the economy, we must destroy the system that has taken it hostage. Because this country is hostage to 10 people, 5 from politics, 5 from business”, said Lapaj.

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