The presidency of the PD meets, what was discussed

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The leadership of the Democratic Party gathered this Saturday at the blue headquarters. PD Secretary Flamur Noka, in a statement to journalists after the meeting, revealed the topics discussed.

“The union of the PD, the creation of the united opposition and the protest of February 20 as the culmination of developments within the opposition, were the headlines and showed that the DP, the opposition, but also the country has entered a new stage of political developments”. declared Noka.

Stopping at the 20th protest on February 20, he said that the translation of the message he gave is “that we will go down to the base, we will all go down to meet all the citizens, pensioners, farmers, teachers, doctors, subordinates, the unemployed, the youth”.

Noka requested a technical government in order to guarantee free parliamentary elections.

“After February 16 and especially after February 20, Albanians can no longer accept Prime Minister McGonigal. McGonigall in the USA was convicted for the Albanian case. In Albania, the first step that must happen is for the Albanian McGonigall to leave the seat of power and make way for a technical government, so that Albania finally has a representative government of the Albanians and not of the patron Nazis and criminals. A government that has only one goal, to enable Albanians to have free and fair elections, elections that have been missing for more than 10 years in this country, and then to pave the way for Albania to move towards European integration, hindered and blocked by the crime and corruption of the renaissance”, he declared.

He added that the third item on the agenda was the opening of the process for reorganization and elections in 20 branches, whose presidents had resigned after running in the local elections.

“For the inclusion of other deputies, without the slightest discussion, we made a decision before February 20, before the protest, that all deputies without any exception are in the working groups of the DP in all districts. This is an exhausted process”, he added.

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