The increase in water rates starts, families will pay 33% more! Here is the first city where it was applied

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As the reform of aggregation, or the joining of water utilities by creating larger enterprises to improve their service and financial condition continues, it seems that its first effect will be the increase of water tariffs.

This may not apply to all companies, but at least for the first application, made by the Vlora water supply, and the approval given by the Water Regulatory Authority (ERRU), the new tariffs are increasing.

In a decision already made public in the Official Gazette, the price of water for households that will be served by the Vlora water supply and sewerage system from February will be 33.3 percent higher than at present. ERRU has approved a rate of 60 ALL/m3 of water for this category from 45 ALL/m3 which is currently. For business and public customers, which are mainly institutions, the new rates will be 20 percent higher. With the old tariffs, they pay 100 ALL/m3, while with the recently approved ones, 120 ALL/m3. These fees are still lower than what the Vlora company had requested in its application.

Meanwhile, the wastewater removal service has also increased. The approved fee for family members for this case is 17 ALL, with a 13 percent increase compared to the previous fee. For business and public consumers, the new fee is 28 ALL with a 12 percent increase from the current one.

Fixed monthly fees for the service have also increased, doubling for family consumers from 100 to 200 lek per month, while for businesses it has increased by more than 2.5 times.

Together with the tariffs, the Entity has also approved the main objectives that have been set for the company regarding coverage with water supply service, coverage with sewerage service, non-revenue water, collection rate or cost coverage.

The Vlora water supply company unites three water supply companies, that of Vlora, Selenica and Himara, but according to the status published on ERRU’s website, the complete reorganization of the company has not yet been done. This page was last updated in July 2023.

Only the Vlora water supply system serves approximately 166,045 inhabitants of the Vlora Municipality.

ERRU is currently considering several other applications for the Durrës, Lezhë and Fier aqueducts./Monitor

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