Clash with the Chief to get attention? This is how the head of PL responds

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The chairman of the Freedom Party, Ilir Meta, in a media conference, was asked by the journalists present, that maybe the story between him and Monika Kryemadhi is being done as part of the game to get attention.

Meta replied, that there is no game here, or the game is open.

Meta: Are you starting from the movie “Operation Fire”, or do you have any data from the fire group?

In all these changes that PL is making, there is no game on the part of Ilir Meta and PL. Or the game is open in the sense that we have a clear program, I Ilir Meta, currently president of PL, candidate for president of PL if the statutory changes are made.

I have a clear program with 5 priorities for 4 million Albanians. I have a very clear team. In financial terms, I have one of the best finance experts such as Petraq Milo.

We have the best foreign policy experts, since the ambassador like Agim Nesho. We have people with a commendable governing experience, such as Haxhinasko.

We have new figures that grow every day, such as the candidate for vice president, Erisa Xixho.

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