PS withdrew the “Criminal Amnesty”, Basha has two conditions for the consolidation of votes

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The head of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, has shown the two conditions, according to him, non-negotiable to join the votes with the SP for the approval of the draft law on “Criminal Amnesty”.

“If they really want to have a consensual approach to the humanitarian side of the amnesty, the path is quite simple.

The first step is to drop proposals that were sneakily introduced to benefit corrupt officials. Secondly, they introduced the PD’s proposals to include the protesters in the amnesty.

It is a PD request, it is not a request for negotiation, it is not a negotiation, it is necessary. There is no withdrawal, those who have the majority of votes should take it into account, it is our unchanging position”, said Basha.

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