The government reinstated the Games of Chance with 72 votes in the Assembly, the two socialist deputies who abstained

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The Law on Games of Chance passed today in the Assembly, but without 2 votes from the ranks of the Socialists. The abstention card was raised by MPs Erion Braçe and former Minister of the Interior, Fatmir Xhafaj.

The decision taken by Braçe was announced, as he requested the addition of some amendments to the law, which were not taken into account.

A few days ago, after the vote in the Assembly was cancelled, Braçe repeated his opposition to the draft law.

“Don’t put your life on the roulette table, no one has won from this story. I am against it. I don’t believe that anyone who doesn’t gamble has spiritual suffering. I am against it. But the situation where we find ourselves that this activity is clear in the territory extended to the territory needs a very strong intervention to make an attempt at legalization. Demotivation of every player as much as possible. It needs rules. The first was advertising. The amendments made to the draft law in the economy committee aim to ban advertising. Even influencers are banned from advertising casinos. There are some girls who do this and I’m sorry just like there are boys. Their advertising should be banned. It will only be allowed in sports facilities. The rest will be allowed in stadiums. This aspect was taken into account” – said Brace.

The socialist deputy underlined that he asked SPAK to give an approval for the licenses, but they did not accept it.

“As long as we faced this experience and today it is in the hands of crime. They have the courage to do this activity today. Even get benefits and buy policies. Beyond these, I requested that one of the approvals for those who will receive the licenses should be given by SPAK. It would be quite normal for that institution to give one of the approvals required by law for what will be licensed for gambling. The conditions have not changed, while the situation has changed. This institution would give you one of the approvals!” he expressed.

Braçe revealed that there has been pressure for his amendments to open online betting.

“I had a lot of pressure. From friends and from those I don’t know at all. Just look at my phone,” said Braçe.

While former minister Fatmir Xhafaj had not spoken against the draft law before.

The draft law was scheduled to be voted on during the February 8 session, the draft law “On some additions and amendments to the law no. 155/2045 on gambling in the Republic of Albania, amended”, but for reasons that were not clarified, it was removed from the order of the day in Parliament at the request of the Socialist Party.

Five years after they were banned on January 1, 2019, the gambling activity did not stop, as other ways were found to play online, without being controlled by the state.

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