Sociologist Gëzim Tushi: Someone is killed just for looking at him

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The well-known sociologist Gëzim Tushi, during an interview for Ora News, expressed his indignation regarding the serious incident that happened the night before, where 18-year-old Aurelio Dervishi was killed, where, according to him, it is unimaginable in Europe that someone is killed just for looking at it.

He also added that we reach such levels where we take human lives, as the price of life is heavy, and the events that occur seem to have an aggravation and trivialization of youth crime.

Tushi: “This is not normal and in this crime there are many factors that start from the level of society. It is unimaginable in Europe to kill someone just for looking at him. We still have the feeling of looking at others in vain, especially towards women, which is a shameful vice that we have as a society.

One of the foundations of modern society is the cultivation of civil indifference. Because we reach such levels where we take human lives, as the price of life is heavy, and the events that take place seem to have an aggravation and trivialization of youth crime.

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