SPAK is arresting pluralism

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From Agim Xhafka

I participated in all the votes that took place in the homeland. I bought a plane ticket and came even when I was abroad. In all cases, starting from 1992, I voted for the opposition of the time. So, I gave my vote to both SP and DP.

Because I firmly believe that changes in governance always bring progress, energy, and therefore enrichment of the country. But during these years of Rama’s government, I and hundreds of thousands of Albanians who voted like me, have lost the consent that we threw in the box on election day. So, today I don’t know who represents me in the Assembly or in the parliament as they often say. I don’t find myself anywhere. It’s just that with my vote, according to the Constitution, I have delegated the right to make decisions for me in the development of the country to the group of deputies that I have selected and a large part of the voters. In short, my vote is nowhere to be found. Not just mine, but almost all of the opposition who voted the same.

With the absurd, flagrant, illegal and vindictive arrest of Berisha, my parliament now falls to “Rrugica e Săla”. He has the popular proxy to represent me and 700 thousand Albanians. Yes, the current prime minister, the champion of the worst governance that has happened to us since our state was created, Edi Rama, has arrested him. With his SPAK tool, he imprisoned our votes together with the leader of the opposition. Not only Berisha, but also Meta e Kryemadhi, Mediu and others (except Nard Ndoka is not being investigated by the opposition) in the political framework are showing the horror of the disaster that is hanging over our heads. SPAK, it seems, has a project to arrest Albanian pluralism. To live in a facade democracy and our rights and freedoms are lost in a losing party.

Now the parliament is one-party. It has returned as the headquarters of the SP. That we pay the rent, energy, salaries and benefits of this party-state to its opponents. Even some MPs who could speak on my behalf, Rama with the tool Nikola has not really imprisoned them yet, but he always punishes them. He punishes them with as many days as the prime minister can. So, again, I, as a voter, am not inside the parliament hall. My vote has disappeared, it has been consumed by the lawlessness. Or more precisely, the vote is being handcuffed in Albania.

My question, where is my vote, is not asked in any democratic country, it is an absurd question, it does not make sense. But in dictatorial regimes, I must articulate it forcefully.

-Is it worth voting in a country where the opposition is put in jail without any charges, without any evidence, without facts, but only with an SMS from the prime minister?!

Normal response:

– No, it’s not worth it. This system is not overthrown by a handcuffed vote. You have to show strength, without using force. A blanket is enough and no more than two days of protest under the government office. So many shackles go into the hands of the enemies of freedom.

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