Spartak Ngjela reveals the negotiations with Lulzim Basha to return to politics

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Lawyer Spartak Ngjela stated in “Breaking” that he is in negotiations with the deputy of the PD, Lulzim Basha to return to politics.

He added that he is working on a scheme that can be implemented in the coming months.

What should we expect in the future in your political contribution? Do you have a plan?

“I have a scheme, let’s see, I’m in talks. Two things are secret, political movements and the movements of the secret police. We will look at the experiment, when the idea is thrown whether they will be supported or not.”

If you enter politics, which political force will you choose to cooperate with?

“I had a preliminary conversation two months ago with Basha. Let’s see how it will go. The process has started, but let’s see how it will continue.”

Will you be in the coalition?

“The PD must unite.”

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