‘Has he ever cheated on his wife’, wonders Tupja: I’ve thought about it many times

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The well-known writer Edmond Tupja was invited to “Mos i bjer me top”, where he very sportsmanship answered the teasing questions of Ronaldo Sharka.

Asked if he has ever cheated, Tupja says that he has lost his mind, but he has not cheated, and one of these reasons is his son’s autism.

Ronaldo Sharka: If you saw your wife cheating, how would you act?

Edmond Tupja: First, the most conformist answer is I would say my wife never cheats on me. But let’s assume, I would say sorry, it’s my fault.

Ronaldo Sharka: Do you think that when a woman cheats, the man is to blame?

Edmond Tupja: Or husband and wife. There is one thing, it cannot be treason. There is betrayal, he leaves his wife with three children and goes with the secretary.

Ronaldo Sharka: Have you ever cheated?

Edmond Tupja: Look, I didn’t betray him. This is a very intimate question, I don’t know, it crossed my mind like “ahh if”, but I don’t go there because the reason is my son’s autism which does not allow me to create another connection.

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