Bamir Topi remembers January 21 and explains the conversation with Basha

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The former president of Albania, Bamir Topi, recalled on the eve of the next anniversary of January 21 the days before and after the violent protest, which resulted in four victims and dozens of injuries on the boulevard.

Invited to the show “Kjo Javë” on News 24, Topi emphasized that Rama abandoned the protesters on the Boulevard, while according to him, he should be the person who should orientate and lead them.

“Lord Rama should have led him, but he ran away and let them abuse and be abused. A political leader guides people. Deliberate abandonment is Mr. Rama’s responsibility,” Topi emphasized.

Furthermore, ex-president Topi disclosed the conversation with Lulzim Basha, who at that time held the post of interior minister.

“The call was for self-restraint and to eliminate every episode of violence, because the parties had lost their reason”, said Topi.

Bamir Topi: It was a protest that started as peaceful, but turned into a violent one. Here I am talking about the part that belongs to the opposition. What I did not accept from this protest is crossing the limits, and the second thing that I never understood was the abandonment of this protest by the man who should have led it. God Rama should have led him, but he ran away and let them abuse and be abused. A political leader guides people. Deliberate abandonment is Mr. Rama’s responsibility.

I took the opportunity to express my concern about what was happening. The call was for self-restraint and to eliminate any episode of violence, because the parties had lost their reason. We have a reason for the fading power of the majority and the fading opposition.

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