Ilir Meta: In prison I have met people with more character than in the “corridors” of politics

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The leader of the PL, Ilir Meta, gave an interview for the show “Opinion” from prison. He answered several written questions sent by journalist Blendi Fevziu.

The latter was surprised by the answer to the question of what he had learned in all these months of isolation. Meta replied that in the corridors of prisons he had met people with more values ​​and character than in the “corridors” of politics.

Blendi Fevziu: What have these months of isolation taught you?

Ilir Meta: In the corridors of prisons I have met people with much more values ​​and character than in the “corridors” of politics. I also understood and felt what Musine Kokalari said that we must seek freedom within ourselves. And I fortunately feel free. One morning when I entered the table tennis hall I read on the board that it was written: I lir means Freedom. I thanked my mother once again for choosing this name for me.

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