Kulla: Here’s why SPAK is becoming the 3rd factor beyond Rama and Berisha

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Analyst Ilir Kulla on the show ‘Të Pashoq’ considered SPAK as a third factor in the Albanian scene, since on one side we have a government eroded by corruption and on the other side an opposition that does not inspire hope.

“A friend of mine, an Italian senator, told me a few days ago that we are in a typical situation where the government is eroded from within by corruption and the opposition is weak.

SPAK has become a third factor because we have an opposition that is not attractive, it has not changed at all, if you look at the lists of candidates for deputies.

SPAK has the sword of Damocles over their heads. SPAK will gladly destroy the Prosecutor’s Office tomorrow, but we are on the road to the EU, we are at the chapters”, said Kulla.

He continued by saying that in the elections of May 11 it will be seen whether Rama will get 71 mandates alone, or not.

“The pure proportional system does not allow for deep losses and they know it, under these conditions Rama seems to me the most honest when he says: what choice?”, said Kulla.

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