“I’d rather protect Meta than Gjokutaj”, Arjan Curi ‘explodes’ fiercely: The lawyer gave bad advice to Meta, as he did with Berisha

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Analyst Arjan Curi, invited to Alban Dudushi’s 3D show on RTSH 1 HD, spoke at length about the behavior of the former president of the country, Ilir Meta, who is currently leading the opposition Freedom Party, as the third political force in Albania.

In fact, Mr. Curi’s statements were a remote controversy with Genc Gjokutajn, the lawyer of the head of Reestablishment Sali Berisha.

In focus was a statement by Mr. Curi some time ago on 3D about an expected arrest of Mr. Meta. According to him, the information was true and Meta’s arrest is expected from day to day. “But when SPAK sees that its shares are debunked in the media, it pushes them,” said Mr. Curri. “The judge has made a suspension of the measure” he added.

Regarding Mr. Gjokutaj’s objections, Curi said that his attitudes are like those of a prosecutor. “Gjokutaj and the people near Berisha and Meta should be happy, that every time I say “He will be arrested!” the decision will be postponed,” said analyst Curi. “Maybe Gjokutaj loves Meta like Berisha is isolated,” he ironized. “I better protect Meta than Gjokutaj. The lawyer gave bad advice to Meta, as he did with Berisha,” said Mr. Curi in conclusion.

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