The serious event in Saranda is prevented, 4 people are armed and prepared to kidnap a 49-year-old

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A serious event has been prevented in Saranda. Four armed persons, who were preparing to kidnap a 49-year-old man, were arrested in the act.

The arrested are Juljan Brinja, Sandri Brinja, Gjergji Prenga and Angelos Tsimperis, while they have seized a pistol-type firearm, military ammunition, the vehicle with which they would move some links that would be used for the event.

These citizens are suspected of kidnapping a 49-year-old citizen, a resident of Saranda, at gunpoint, for weak motives.

Police notification:

A serious criminal event is prevented, thanks to the police intelligence and the timely response of the Police services.

Armed with pistol firearms, with the aim of kidnapping a 49-year-old man, 4 citizens were caught red-handed and put in handcuffs.

1 pistol firearm, combat ammunition, vehicle and plastic ties that would be used for this event are seized.

Thanks to the police intelligence and as a result of the in-depth investigations that are being carried out intensively within the coded police operation “Rule of Law”, in order to clarify the criminal events that happened recently and to prevent other possible criminal events, the services of the Police Station of the Sarandë Police, evaluating the information provided by the police intelligence, have prevented a possible criminal event.

Yesterday, on “Skënderbeu” street, in neighborhood no. 1, the services of the Sarandë Police Station, after receiving the information, immediately intervened by stopping the “BMW” type vehicle, with driver A. T. and passengers J. B. and S. B. ( brothers) and Gj. P.

During the search of the vehicle, in the passenger seat where the citizen J. B. was, the Police services found 1 firearm, a pistol and plastic ties, which were seized as material evidence.

Following the procedural actions, citizens J. B., 28 years old, S. B., 27 years old, A. T., 20 years old and Gj. P., 29 years old, for the criminal offenses of “Illegal Deprivation of Liberty”, remaining on probation, committed in cooperation and “Unauthorized production and possession of weapons, explosive weapons and military ammunition”.

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