Why did you choose a woman? Eda briefly answers Fevziu: Because I love him!

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Edlira Mara and Alba Ahmetaj are two Albanian girls who, crowning their 14-year-old love, break the taboo in our country. An important step, but also bold at the same time, that tends to highlight the virtues of love.

Deciding to hold a wedding ceremony on the terrace of a state institution which has a legal ban on same-sex marriage requires courage and determination. Such marriages are considered unusual, but also unacceptable for our Balkan society.

In the studio of the “Opinion” show, Edlira and Alba brought their love story, the difficulties they are going through and why they chose to continue their lives next to each other.

Blendi Fevziu: If I ask you the most typical question that I believe you have come across in all social networks, comments and from people close to me I’m sure, that ‘men are done with a woman’. How will you answer?

Edlira Mara: No, there are plenty of men.

Blendi Fevziu: Why did you choose a woman?

Edlira Mara: Because I love her!

Blendi Fevziu: Because he loves it!

Edlira Mara: Definitely!

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