Mrekulli për ‘vogëlushen e Napalm’ pas dëmtimeve nga bomba

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Mrekulli në sajë të ndërhyrjes me lazer për ‘vogëlushen e Napalm’. Në moshën 53-vjeçare Kim Phuc Phan Thi do mund të ndjejë më në fund përkëdheljet e nipit të saj në lëkurën e djegur 45 vite më parë, nga sulmi i bërë me bombë, me avion.

Phan Thi ishte 9 vjeçe, kur në 8 korrik të vitit 1972 fotografi i ‘Associated Press’ Nick Ut, e fotografoi teksa e terrorizuar dhe e zhveshur arratisej nga bombat.

Fotografia e saj u bë dëshmi ikonë e horroreve të luftës. Gruaja që siç shkruan jeton në Kanada, ka përmbyllur në ditët e para të janarit një cikël të plotë terapish të avancuara pranë një spitali në Miami.

Në këtë mënyrë asaj i’u hoqën të gjitha shenjat e djegies, duke i rikthyer ndjeshmërinë.

In this Sept. 25, 2015 photo, Kim Phuc shows burn scars on her back and left arm at a hotel in Miami. The scars were caused by a napalm attack when she was 9 years old in Trang Bang, Vietnam. While she spent years doing painful exercises to preserve her range of motion, her left arm still doesn’t extend as far as her right arm, and her desire to learn how to play the piano has been thwarted by stiffness in her left hand. Tasks as simple as carrying her purse on her left side are too difficult. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)
Holding an autographed poster, Jesuit Father Tan Pham, right, parochial vicar at Transfiguration Church, Marietta, poses with Kim Phuc Phan Thi. “I grew up five kilometers (3 miles) from her village (Trang Bang). I’ve waited 41 years to meet her,” said Father Pham. The bottom of the poster bears Phuc’s words – “We cannot change history, but with love we can heal the future.” Photo By Michael Alexander
In her right hand Kim Phuc Phan Thi holds a glass of coffee, and in her left hand she holds a glass of water. Thi used the coffee to symbolize the darkness in her heart before she overcame the challenge to forgive, and the water represents her heart after she learned how to forgive those who had hurt her. She gave the example during an Oct. 22 presentation at Marist School’s Centennial Center. Photo By Michael Alexander
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