VIDEO/ Xheni Karaj clashes with Floriana Garon: You are disgusting, we know the “No. 1” and “No. 2” women well, who have some of the “conservatives” of the DP

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Activist Xheni Karaj has reacted harshly to Floriana Garo, after some of the latter’s statements about transgender people.

“In the video you can see Floriana Garo, in 2016 a journalist on the show “Not Just Fashion”, hugging and smiling with a transgender girl, invited to her show to share her life story and the challenges she faced.

In the second part of the video, taken from Wednesday’s Opinion show, now in the position of the DP spokesperson, she appears with poor acting and a fabricated concern, dramatically declaring that transgender women are a “threat”. This hypocrisy is truly disgusting.

The question arises: what happens to a person in a few years to lose not only their sense of logic, but also their memory and sense of humanity? Or maybe Floriana of 2016 was simply putting on a “show” for the public, as she is doing now, only the new scenario is dictated by a party agenda that aims to demonize and target one of the most vulnerable communities for a few more votes.

In politics, dignity and principles are often easily sold, but to forcefully imitate the political narratives of the United States with the aim of making an alliance with American conservatives and in the hope that by pleasing them the “non grata” of the party leader will be removed, is a desperate act.

This is especially ironic, when you consider that the Albanian people are well aware of the hypocrisy and not at all conservative behaviors of some of the figures of the DP. Some of us are also well aware of the “No. 1” women and the “No. 2” women that some of them have. Don’t bother in vain, the conservative behavior of being “more Catholic than the Pope” does not stick as a narrative.

Furthermore, the DP has directly contributed to the destruction of Albanian families by impoverishing them to the extreme, destroying the education and health systems and forcing entire generations to emigrate”, writes Xheni Karaj.

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