Beqaj explodes at the judge: Even if you sentence me to death, you can’t tarnish my name or the Rama government’s!

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The Special Court Against Corruption and Organized Crime held a hearing on the “Sterilization” case with the defendants former Minister of Health Ilir Beqaj, former Deputy Minister Klodian Rrjepaj and businessman Ilir Rrapaj.

The panel decided that the defendants Ilir Beqaj, Klodian Rrjepaj and Ilir Rrapaj will face trial on charges of “theft by abuse of office” and “structured criminal group”.

During the hearing, Beqaj requested to be tried under the ordinary trial procedure, as he seeks to prove his innocence. Meanwhile, the other two defendants Rrjepaj and Rrapaj have opted for a summary trial.

“The accusation is tendentious, he does not fall prey to the pressure of the shortened trial to not open the evidence 1 by 1”, Ilir Beqaj stated in the session, while further emphasizing that no one is tarnishing his name and the Rama government.

Also, former minister Beqaj had previously filed a request for the disqualification of judge Flojera Davidhi on the pretext that the latter refused to give a reasoned decision on the aggravation of the accusation against Ilir Beqaj, a request which was rejected by the court.

The charge against Ilir Beqaj was recently changed at the request of the GJKKO from “Abuse of office” to “Theft by abuse of office within a structured criminal group”, a decision given by judge Flojera Davidhi.

Former Minister of Health Ilir Beqaj, together with his former deputy Klodian Rjepaj and 6 other persons, are accused by SPAK of the “Sterilization” concession. Former Minister Beqaj is accused of having approved the sterilization concession contract in violation of the law.

Beqaj’s statement within the hearing

First, you as the judge of the preliminary hearing have intentionally and irretrievably damaged the due process of law and my procedural rights. My lawyer and I find it impossible to defend ourselves effectively in the intentional and repeated absence of a reasoned interim decision on new charges based on new facts unsupported by any evidence. Your invitation to defend ourselves against these charges is fictitious and is intended to deceive the due process of law as if our procedural rights were respected and we were clear about the charge. But this is not true. We are not intentionally informed by you and even the prosecution has not clearly understood your decision-making. Not only me, but also Mr. Klodian Rjepaj and Mr. Ilir Rrapaj, we cannot defend ourselves against unexplained, unwritten accusations that will never be written, but will also be said verbally, unsupported by any fact in the accusation and unsupported by any concrete evidence.

Secondly, you have been influenced in this process and your decision-making proves this. The influence is clearly political, conformist, personal and social. Your decision-making has been applauded by both Mr. Sali Berisha and Ms. Albana Vokshi, because you have supported their political accusations. Meanwhile, your decision-making also fits the previous illegal decision-making of Judge Erion Bani, even though everything is now time-barred. What does it matter whether I stole or not? In fact, what is important is that the DP now has the right to claim that I am a thief because until now, abuse of office could not stand on its own.

Thirdly, you have not served the complete disclosure of the truth at all, but you wanted to prove only the truth predetermined by you. You, like the prosecution, continue to inexplicably divide and fragment the phase of concluding and implementing the contract as two separate issues, when in essence, if you read the indictment, it is more than half the implementation of the contract. For you, it is not important to properly prove, with or without expertise, the damage, any figure, the number of operations 50 or 63 thousand, the source of the increase in costs (FSDKSH), the source of payments outside the contractual provisions for energy and water (FSDKSH), the incalculable benefit of this concession in savings, in financial and health benefits (in life).

Fourthly, you clearly paved the way for an artificial division of the case. That the three of us remain in the Special Court while the others go to the Ordinary Court. Therefore, whether or not the charges of theft and organized criminal group are proven is of little importance to you. What is important is that the cases be separated.

Fifth, you have no hesitation in taking as much personal and media advantage as you can from this case and from my name, just like Judge Erjon Bani. You want to appear to the public as the judge who delivered justice. Who directed the investigations on the right track. Who revealed what the prosecutors hid. In fact, it is the opposite. You are ruining everything. With investigations, with trials and with accusations in an illegal manner. For all of the above, I cannot defend myself, but I can only denounce.

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